My philosophy about massage
When you connect to your innate self you can begin to truly achieve your goals, which is more than just reducing symptoms.
There are many conditions and symptoms that benefit from massage, but the common denominator of most trauma and diseases, is that we produce an inflammatory response and muscular tension. Both responses cause pain. Your muscles can hurt from being strained, sprained or inflamed, meaning that pain can come from inflammation in the cells or organs as well as from the muscles or joints. To heal, inflammation needs to be reduced in the cells and its cause needs to be determined and controlled and adhesions, strains, sprains or other restrictions in muscles reduced so the soft tissue and skeleton can move freely.
The healing process allows the body now to focus its energy on repairing instead of production and activity . By controlling the inflammation and keeping the soft tissue resilient, your system recovers, and you can achieve a level of innate health that you can learn to maintain.
The list below are some conditions affecting our modern culture and their common theme is inflammation and muscle pain. My work deals with the inflammation in conjunction with the muscle and fascia restrictions. I believe this process increases your level of healing and overall sense of well-being.
Examples of conditions indicated for massage and movement work include:
Having the desire to learn about, feel better about, be in greater tune with, and/or how to increase the performance of your awesome self
Surgeries, accidents, injuries, pain, or muscle and joint discomfort
Adhesion, scar tissue builds up and/or restrictions of movement or action regardless of origin or age
Tension, trauma, stress, inactivity, too much activity and poor respiration, all contributing to low oxygenation of tissues which elevates pain
Endocrine system imbalances: some examples are low thyroid, menopausal or premenstrual situations, overactive adrenals and migraine headaches
Autoimmune conditions: some examples are Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Cystic Fibrosis, Migraines, Crohn’s, IBS, Arthritis, Diabetes and all allergies because of their inflammatory nature to your mucus membranes and connective tissues,
Nervous system conditions: Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, spinal injuries or surgeries.